Friday 20 June 2014

No Diet Coke Day 01

So my day started with the usual two small slices of toast and lightest Philadelphia 35g pot but (and this is a fairly big but) no Diet Coke and also no tea or coffee, in fact I had a 500ml bottle of sparkling mineral water and, well this was OK actually, there were no signs of distress or trepidation, so it was a good start.

I had to go to buy some clothes so off I went to Woolwich at 11:00am to pick something up at M&S and on the way I had another 500ml bottle of sparkling mineral water. Now to put this into context on a usual care free Diet Coke glugging day I would have had: one 330ml can for breakfast, one 330ml can between the tube station and work and I'd have picked up a six pack of 330ml cans at the same time for work. Then on the way home I'd have had (can you guess?) a 330ml can of diet coke on the way to the station; so that's nine 330ml cans of Diet Coke so far, but I would of been far from finished as once home it would have been a can of Diet Coke from the fridge as soon as I got in, a can of Diet Coke while cooking and a can of Diet Coke with my dinner, so that just left the other four cans of Diet Coke before bed time.

Now lets do the frighting thing and add all those up: 16 cans of Diet Coke a bloody day or 5.28 litres a day or 11.16 pints a day, what ever way you look at it that is a hell of a lot of Diet Coke. I imagine after a week of me not drinking it shares in Coca Cola will have plummeted!

One of the side effects of this intoxicating level of fake sweetened brown drink was unsurprisingly needing to use the toilet rather a lot! Now today I've had three 500ml of sparkling mineral water, quite a difference I'm sure you'll agree, but also it counts towards my eight glasses of water a day, also of note is that I saved 16 calories from the Diet Coke! Just for the purposes of interest: if this had been normal Coke the calorie count would have been a mind bending 2,224 calories i.e. 704 calories more than I currently eat and drink a day.

I appear to have got away lightly so far, just a few twinges in the stomach but not the full blown withdrawal cramps just yet. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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